Houston Yacht Club offers an exciting program for cruisers, power and sail. And if you don’t have a boat, you can join many of the cruises at land destinations. We have cruises to many destinations in Galveston Bay as well as up and down the Gulf coast. Cruises typically include parties and shore-side activities. Cruises are carefully organized to assure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience. The Cruising program often includes seminars on local destinations and weather, radio usage and other topics of interest to cruisers.
LAND CRUISERS – No boat? No problem! You can join the cruise events that have shore-side destinations, thereby enabling you to join the festivities with the boat cruisers. Many of these destinations have hotels and/or RV parks that can accommodate you.
Cruising with HYC is a great way to take your boat out and meet new friends!
Go to Cruising Destinations for more places to travel on your boat.
For more information contact the Yachting Committee

LAND CRUISERS – No boat? No problem! You can join the cruise events that have shore-side destinations, thereby enabling you to join the festivities with the boat cruisers. Many of these destinations have hotels and/or RV parks that can accommodate you.
Cruising with HYC is a great way to take your boat out and meet new friends!
Go to Cruising Destinations for more places to travel on your boat.
For more information contact the Yachting Committee
Cruising, camaraderie, and conviviality

This Is Fun! Join Us!
2025 Cruising Events
- Feb 22 Lunch Cruise to Sundance Grill: Located on Clear Lake featuring American nouvelle cuisine. Come by boat or land yacht. Limited to power boats only due to mast hieght restrictions.
- Mar 15 Raft-up @ Woosie Bay: Just off the North Jetty (literally by the North bathhouse…) we select an anchor boat (probably a disoriented individual with a big, fat Beneteau) who drops a giant hook, we tie up to him, and cross from boat-to-boat sharing canapes, cocktails and camaraderie!
- Apr 18-20 Cruise to Double Bayou (a.k.a Oak Island): Easter cruise toward Anahuac. There is a marina there where we dock, and a motel if you are so inclined.
- May 9-11 Reach-Down-the-Beach Cruise: We go to Freeport! We arrive Friday afternoon and link up with the hard-partying sailors from the HYC Reach Down the Beach regatta. We return in time for Mothers’ Day at HYC.
- May 23-26 Cruise to Pelican Rest: Directly opposite from Moody Gardens. We gather for dinner at Number 13 Prime Steak and Seafood for a highly civilized evening.
- Jun 14 Raft-up @ Redfish Island: Much like the March raft-up, only at Redfish! This is a tradition for Bay boaters. A simple afternoon voyage.
- Jul 4 Anchor out for HYC fireworks: The best seat in the house! HYC sponsors the FINEST fireworks display in the area. We anchor in Woosie Bay, relax and watch the show
- ]ul 27 Lunch cruise to O’Neal’s: This is NORTH of our Club, almost under the Fred Hartman bridge in a place known as Bayland Marina. It’s about a 90-minute trip (30 if you are on a fast center console).
- Aug 15-17 Some Like it Hot Cruise to LYC: We cruise down to Lakewood Yacht Club and have a BIG celebratory dinner in the restaurant.
- Aug 29-31 Cruise to Nowhere and Progressive Pier Party: This is a CLASSIC dock party at HYC! Camp out (sleep on your boat or a room at the Club) and cook out. Beware - there is usually a deranged individual with a gasoline-powered blender making frozen margaritas.
- Sep 20-21 Cruise to Allen’s Landing: This is a rare treat. We secure permission from the Coast Guard to cruise up Buffalo Bayou to Allen’s Landing. This is where the Allen brothers originally founded what was to become the City of Houston – US. We dock at the Allen’s Landing park and do a potluck dinner, cocktails, etc. Limited to power boats only due to mast height limits.
- Oct 9-12 Road Trip to Harvest Moon Regatta: HMR is a Lakewood Yacht Club signature event and is a worthwhile experience. We from HYC typically rent a place and throw a daytime CLASSIC boater’s party on Saturday. Our hard-working volunteers prepare a first-rate shrimp boil, there is an anonymous rum sponsor and fun to spare. When the party is over, we go to the awards ceremony and cheer for our friends.
- Nov 16 Lunch Cruise to Cedar Bayou: Day cruise and anchor. Ordinarily this is a great place to experience mosquito bites. But in November it is delightful and gives one a picture of what Galveston Bay was like 250 years ago – natural beauty, over lunch!
- Dec 5-7 Cruise to Moody Gardens: Dickens on the Strand. A remarkable celebration featuring people dressed in period costume. We have our traditional potluck dinners and cocktail celebrations as usual. BUT we also can take a Taxi down to the Strand, and from the shelter of the bar at the Tremont Hotel to monitor the Christmas parade.