Yachting Credits
Yachting Credits at HYC
With the organization of the first regatta more than 100 years ago, HYC began a long tradition of service to the yachting community. This is evidenced by the early annual regattas featuring both sail and power boat races:
- The 1929 and 1941 Lipton Regattas which brought yachtsmen from throughout the South to Galveston Bay;
- The first national regatta in Texas, the Mississippi Valley Speed Boat Association annual event which featured world record setting races;
- And the first national sailing championship held outside of the northern United States, the 1957 Adams Cup for Women.
By the 1960’s, HYC was hosting national and world championships on a regular basis. At the 1991 annual meeting of the United States Yacht Racing Union (now US Sailing), HYC was awarded the prestigious One-Design Club Award, given annually to “the one-design yacht club of the year to recognize administrative excellence, fleet growth, creative programming, regatta support, and member contribution at regional, national, and international levels.”
HYC’s reputation as a host for well run national championship regattas was recognized by US Sailing in 1984 and 1990 by the awarding of the St. Petersburg Trophy. This prestigious trophy, awarded annually, is emblematic of excellence in race management. HYC has had several members meet the qualifications for certification in the US Sailing Judges Program as umpire, senior judge, and judge. Members have also qualified at various levels in the US Sailing Race Officers Program, including three members who are Certified Principal Race Officers.

Distinguished Yachting Accomplishments of HYC Members
- 1925 Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association Annual Regatta, 510 Class, first place, Frank Robertson
- 1926 Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association Annual Regatta, 510 Class, first place, Frank Robertson
- 1926 Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association Annual Regatta, 725 Class, first place, L. A. Layne
- 1927 Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association Annual Regatta, 510 Class, first place, L. A. Layne
- 1927 Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association Annual Regatta, Webb Trophy, Doc Sellman
- 1936 Olympic Trials Southern Region, first place, skipper Paul Richmond, crew Dan Ryan
- 1938 St. Petersburg to Havana Race, first place, Al Fay
- 1968 Sears Cup Finals, winning team, skipper John Kolius, crew Danny Williams, Jay Williams
- 1970 Sears Cup Finals, winning team, skipper Danny Williams, crew Clark Thompson, Jr., Ed McFarlan
- 1971 Canadian Olympic Regatta, Kingston (CORK) first place, skipper Mike Zutek, crew Rob Jeffries
- 1971 Tornado North American Championship, first place, Mike Zutek
- 1971 Mallory Cup North American Senior Championship, first place, John Kolius
- 1972 Sears Cup Finals, winning team, skipper Clark Thompson, Jr., crew Paul Thompson, Buddy Brown
- 1973 Sears Cup Finals, winning team, skipper Buddy Brown, crew Paul Thompson, Paul Wells
- 1975 North American Soling Championship, first place, John Kolius
- 1976 One Design Championship of Champions, first place, Clark Thompson, Jr.
- 1976 Ensign National Championship, first place, Clark Thompson, Jr.
- 1976 National Contender Championship, first place, Paul Wells
- 1976 Soling Olympic Trials, first place, John Kolius
- 1976 Olympic Silver Medal, John Kolius
- 1977 European Contender Championship, first place, Paul Wells
- 1977 Sunfish North American Senior Championship, first place, Buddy Brown
- 1977 Sunfish North American Junior Championship, first place, Yandell Rogers
- 1977 Mallory Cup North American Senior Championship, first place, Marvin Beckmann
- 1978 Southern Ocean Racing Conference (SORC) Championship, first place, John Kolius
- 1978 Prince of Wales, first place, Marvin Beckmann
- 1979 J-24 World Championship, first place, John Kolius
- 1981 Canadian Olympic Regatta Kingston (CORK), first place, Mike Zutek
- 1981 J-24 World Championship, first place, John Kolius
- 1981 Prince of Wales, first place, Marvin Beckmann
- 1983 America’s Cup Trials, skipper, John Kolius
- 1983 Sunfish North American Women Junior Championship, first place, Jeannie Bigler
- 1983 High School National Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 1984 Sears Cup Finals, winning team, skipper Todd Hudgins, crew Mitch Brindley, Dave Calverly
- 1984 Sunfish North American Championship, first place, Lawrence Maher
- 1986 Phoenix Cup US Sailing Offshore Championship, first place, Lee Demarest
- 1986 Sunfish North American Championship, first place, Lawrence Maher
- 1986 Sunfish North American Junior Championship, first place, Marcus Maher
- 1987 America’s Cup Trials, skipper, John Kolius, crew Dave Calverly, Robbie Young
- 1987 Ensign National Championship, first place, Dean Snider
- 1988 Ensign National Championship, first place, Dean Snider
- 1988 Laser 2 Nationals, Gold Medal, Michael Nunes
- 1989 Laser 2 Worlds, Silver Medal, Michael Nunes
- 1989 Ultimate 30 U.S. Championship, first place, John Kolius
- 1989 Bruce Cup Interdistrict North American Laser Championship, first place, Marcus Maher
- 1989 5.5 Meter National Championship, first place, Tony Smythe
- 1989 Alice Cummings Trophy Tornado, first place, Mike Zuteck
- 1989 Intercollegiate National Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 1989 Intercollegiate Team Racing World Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 1990 50 Foot Class World Cup, crew, Robbie Young
- 1990 50 Foot Class World Cup, first place, John Kolius
- 1990 United Kingdom 5.5 Meter Championship, first place, Pete Masterson
- 1990 National Senior Boardsailing Championship, first place, George Whalen
- 1990 Sears Cup Finals, winning team, skipper Scott Elting, crew Sam Pyne, Carter Perrin, David Thomas
- 1990 Bruce Cup, first place, Michael Nunes
- 1991 Bruce Cup, first place, Michael Nunes
- 1991 Ultimate Ziplock Laser Slalom, first place, Mike Hare
- 1991 Laser Radial National Championship, first place, Mike Hare
- 1991 National Blind Championship, first place, Vince Morvillo
- 1991 Alice Cummings Trophy Tornado, first place, Mike Zuteck
- 1992 National Blind Championship, first place, Vince Morvillo
- 1992 50 Foot Class World Championship, first place, John Kolius
- 1992 International Youth World Laser Championship, first place, Mike Hare
- 1992 Bruce Cup Inter-district North American Laser Radial Championship, first place, Evangeline Callahan
- 1992 America’s Cup, first place, navigator, By Baldridge
- 1992 America’s Cup, coach, John Kolius
- 1993 National Blind Sailing Championship, first place, Vince Morvillo
- 1993 Tornado North American Championship, first place, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1993 Junior Single-handed National Champion, Bruce Mahoney
- 1994 J22 North American Championship, first place U.S., crew Charlie Ogletree
- 1994 Commodore’s Cup Class 1, first place, John Kolius
- 1994 Kenwood Cup Class 1, first place, John Kolius
- 1995 ISSA International High School Champion, Bruce Mahoney
- 1995 America’s Cup Trials, coach, John Kolius
- 1995 Tornado National Championship, first place, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1995 Transpac (Los Angeles to Honolulu) First to Finish, John Kolius
- 1995 Tornado North American Championship, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1996 Tornado Nationals, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1996 U.S. Olympic Trials, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1996 Tornado North American Championship, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1996 Big Boat Series, first place, crew, Farley Fontenot
- 1996 US Yacht Club Challenge, Catalinas, first place, HYC Team/Marvin Beckmann
- 1996 Olympic Trials Tornado, first place, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1996 Canadian Olympic Regatta Kingston (CORK), first place, Junior Laser, Joel Hanneman
- 1996 Laser National Champion, Mattia E'Errico
- 1997 Melges 24 National Championship, first, skipper, Charlie Ogletree
- 1997 SORC One Design 48 Class, first place, John Kolius
- 1997 One Design 48 World Championship, navigator By Baldridge, crew Farley Fontenot
- 1997 Admiral’s Cup, first place, Team USA/John Kolius, By Baldridge, Carter Perrin
- 1997 World Blind Sailing Championship England, Gold Medal, Vince Morvillo
- 1997 Laser North American Championship, Radial, first female, Carter McMahan
- 1997 Laser North American Championship, Radial, first junior, Brandon Cook
- 1997 Tornado U.S. National Championship, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1998 Tornado National Championship, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 1998 One Design 48 World Championship, first place, skipper John Kolius, crew Carter Perrin, Dave Musgrove
- 1998 National Ensign Championship, first place, Dean Snider
- 1998 New England High School Championship, first place, Joel Hanneman
- 1998 USA Junior Olympic Championship Team, Joel Hanneman
- 1998 US National Optimist Team, Genny Tulloch
- 1999 America’s Cup Trials, America One Syndicate, crew Carter Perrin
- 1999 America’s Cup Trials, Aloha Syndicate, skipper John Kolius, crew By Baldridge, Dave Musgrove
- 1999 Admiral’s Cup, first place, crew Carter Perrin
- 1999 IMS World Championship, first place, crew Carter Perrin
- 1999 Vanguard 15 National Championship, first place, skipper Kevin Funsch
- 2000 U.S. Olympic Trials, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 2000 Olympics, U.S Virgin Islands Team, coach, Todd Hudgins
- 2000 Olympics, 470 Jamaican Team, Sean Nunes
- 2000 Galveston to Vera Cruz Regatta de Amigos, first place, skipper Lee Demarest
- 2000 O’Day Cup National Single-handed Championship, first place, Mattia D’Errico
- 2000 America’s Cup Finals, America One, crew Carter Perrin
- 2001 Men's Collegiate North American Single-handed Champion, Bruce Mahoney
- 2001 Vanguard 15 National Championship, first place, skipper, Kevin Funsch
- 2001 420 Mid Winter Championship, skipper, first female, Genny Tulloch
- 2001 Key West Race Week, first in class, Owen Kratz
- 2001 Texas Offshore Racing Circuit, first, Mike Little and Bob Wright
- 2001 Santana 20 National Championships, first American, skipper, Charlie Ogletree
- 2002 J-22 World Championship, first place, skipper, Terry Flynn
- 2002 Louis Vuitton Cup, Team Prada, Carter Perrin
- 2002 Regatta de Amigos, first, Charlie Ogletree, Alex Ascencios
- 2002 Harvest Moon Regatta, first, Charlie Ogletree, Alex Ascencios
- 2003 Tornado National Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2003 Beauvais Trophy, Lipton Regatta, Bruce Mahoney
- 2003 Little America’s Cup, Catamaran Match Racing, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2003 Regatta del Sol al Sol, first place Alex Ascencios, Charlie Ogletree, Mike Jones
- 2003 Ensign National Championship, first place, Dean Snider
- 2003 Santana 20 National Championship, first place, Charlie Ogletree
- 2003 U.S. National Tornado Championship, first place, Charlie Ogletree
- 2003 J80 World Championship, first place, crew, Joe Taylor
- 2003 Laser North Americans, Radial, first female, Roberta Steele
- 2004 Ida Lewis National Jr. Women's Double-handed Championship, first place, Roberta Steele
- 2004 Olympic Trials, first place, Tornado, Charlie Ogletree
- 2004 Olympic Silver Medal, Charlie Ogletree
- 2004 Ensign National Championship, first, Vince Morvillo
- 2004 International Catamaran Challenge Trophy, first, crew, Charlie Ogletree
- 2004 Little America’s Cup, Catamaran Match Racing, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2004 Tornado National Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2004 Tornado North American Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2005 J80 North American Championship, first, John Kolius
- 2005 Women’s North American Sunfish Championship, first, Joanne Kolius
- 2005 ISAF World Rankings, Tornado, first Charlie Ogletree
- 2005 Little America’s Cup, Catamaran Match Racing, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2006 Tornado National Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2007 Harvest Moon Regatta, first, Alex Ascencios and Charlie Ogletree
- 2007 Olympic Trials, Tornado Class, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2007 Tornado National Championship, first, Charlie Ogletree
- 2009 North American Etchells Championship, first, Marvin Beckmann
- 2009 North American Grand Prix Winner in 4.7 Fleet, Kayla Gibson
- 2009 US Sailing Women’s Match Racing Championship, first, Jenny Tulloch
- 2010 US Sailing Women’s Match Racing Championship, first, Jenny Tulloch
- 2010 Rolex Match Racing Osprey Cup, first, Jenny Tulloch
- 2010 USODA Layline Girls National Championship, first, Haddon Hughes
- 2010 USSC Women’s Singlehanded Championship, first, Leonie Schuurman
- 2010 United States Sailing Team, Charlie Smythe
- 2010 Naples Cup, first, Richard Schuurman
- 2010 US Sailing Development Team, Reed Baldridge
- 2011 Optimist North American Team Race Championship, Team USA2, first, Wiley Rogers, Richard Schuurman
- 2011 Sail Newport Blind National Championship, first, Karen Penrose, James O’Loughlin, Scott Tuma, David Atkinson
- 2012 Sail Newport Blind National Championship, first, Karen Penrose, James O’Loughlin, Scott Tuma, David Atkinson
- 2013 Etchells World Championship, first, skipper, Marvin Beckmann
- 2013 Sail Newport Blind National Championship, first, James O’Loughlin, Scott Tuma, Howard Hughes, Doug Cummings
- 2014 A Class Catamaran World Championship, first, Bruce Mahoney
- 2014 A Class Catamaran North American Championship, first, Bruce Mahoney
- 2017 Youth America’s Cup Team, Reed Baldridge
- 2018 Laser Radial Youth World Championships, first, Charlotte Rose
- 2019 Laser Radial Youth World Championships, first, Charlotte Rose
- 2019 Pan American Games in Peru, silver medal, Charlotte Rose
- 2019-2021 US Sailing Team, Charlotte Rose
- 2021 College Single Handed Women's National Championship, first, Charlotte Rose
- 2021 US Sailing Singlehanded Junior Championship, Hamilton Barclay
- 2022 ISSA National Keelboat Championship, Ava Anderson, Kailey Warrior, Hamilton Barclay, Korbin Bendele